

Rymax One to make Hamburg leading quantum computing centre

EUR 17 million for new EU-funded "Hamburg Quantum Computing" project demonstrator

Homeport to bridge harbour and technology

Homecoming Homeport to mark third anniversary with prototype and technology festival
Ballons mit Wasserstoffzeichen

Hydrogen Week aims to generate enthusiasm for H2 technologies

From 15 to 23 June 2024, hydrogen-related events will take place across Germany - with HH-Energie-Bus-Tour in Hamburg

Get new ideas during Food Innovation Camp 2024

Food start-ups and decision-makers in retail and hospitality sectors come together on June 17, 2024

Digital Media Women going strong in Hamburg

DMW announces events in June to empower women in digital sector
Eventbranche in Hamburg

Three trends shaking up event sector

Swifties, AI and mega shows - rapid change underway in entertainment sector

AI or no AI?

26 February 2024
SERIES (9): Diverging answers emerge during nextMedia.Hamburg's AI festival - AI to determine glimpses of future

IT Strategy Days 2024 to link up Hamburg's CIO community

8 February 2024
Hybrid IT management congress to get underway from February 21-23, 2024

Two record years for Hamburg Messe

2 February 2024
Record EUR 80.7 million in sales last year - company eyeing EUR 133.7 million in 2024

YOTA to host technology day for young people

29 January 2024
Young Talents Club Hamburg opens up technology on February 23, 2024

New AI-themed festival for Hamburg's media and digital sector

29 January 2024
nextMedia.Hamburg to host AI festival in "Space" from February 19-23, 2024

Most important trade fairs and congresses in 2024

16 January 2024
Dates for the New Year – economic players must not miss these events in Hamburg and beyond
158 results
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