Our network, our vision, our team for business in Hamburg

Our dedicated team of commercial real estate experts

Whether you are looking for office space, would like to rent or buy an existing building or consider developing a commercial property: Hamburg Invest is your reliable partner. We can help you find real estate and commercial space in practically any size and for any requirements.

As a one-stop agency, Hamburg Invest is the central point of contact for investors and companies in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. We market Hamburg as a business location, advise companies looking to relocate and support small and medium-sized enterprises in particular with a wide range of services.

Get in touch with us

Our team for commercial space & real eate in Hamburg

Find the relevant contact for your query

Martina Fuge, Referentin Projektmanagement, Hamburg Invest

Martina Fuge | Project Management Officer 
First contact enquiries

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 79
E-mail: martina.fuge@hamburg-invest.com

Marian Sunderbrink, Projektmanager Standortmarketing

Marian Sunderbrink | Project Manager
Focus: Location Consulting

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 80
E-mail: marian.sunderbrink@hamburg-invest.com

Katja Heumann, Projektmanagerin, Hamburg Invest

Katja Heumann | Project Manager 
Focus: Real Estate Portal 

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 63
E-mail: katja.heumann@hamburg-invest.com

Katharina Bunei, Projektmanagerin, Hamburg Invest 

Katharina Bunei | Project manager 
Focus: Office Properties

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 609
E-mail: katharina.bunei@hamburg-invest.com

Jens Steiger, Projektmanager, Hamburg Invest

Jens Steiger | Project Manager 
Focus: Craftsmen's Yards & Trading Estates

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 604
E-mail: jens.steiger@hamburg-invest.com

Lisa Neele Dittrich, Projektmanagerin Hamburg Invest

Lisa Neele Dittrich | Project Manager
Focus: Specialist Properties & Laboratories

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 679
E-mail: lisaneele.dittrich@hamburg-invest.com

Stefan Wieschebrock, Bereichsleitung HIW Immobilien, Hamburg Invest

Stefan Wieschebrock | Head of
Real Estate Services

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 34
E-mail: stefan.wieschebrock@hamburg-invest.com

Bernd Ringe, Projektmanager & Teamkoordinator, Hamburg Invest

Bernd Ringe | Deputy Division Manager 
Real Estate Services

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 20
E-mail: bernd.ringe@hamburg-invest.com

Frank Gaster, Projektmanager & Teamkoordinator, Hamburg Invest

Frank Gaster | Head of Department 
Allocation of Urban Workspace

Phone: +49 (0)40 22 70 19 - 78
E-mail: frank.gaster@hamburg-invest.com

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