
Gamecity Hamburg sending five start-ups to Gamescom 2024

Start-ups to share Indie Arena Booth at leading trade fair in Cologne

Cross Innovation Hub announces workshops in autumn

Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft's next courses for public and private companies
SMM Leitmesse

SMM 2024 to showcase future of shipping

Leading maritime trade fair underway from September 3-6, 2024 with conferences and panels on open stages
Azubi des Nordens

"Apprentice of the North" honours young talents

Companies from northern Germany, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia have until 1 September 2024 to submit their best graduates for the training award
Ballons mit Wasserstoffzeichen

Hydrogen Week aims to generate enthusiasm for H2 technologies

From 15 to 23 June 2024, hydrogen-related events will take place across Germany - with HH-Energie-Bus-Tour in Hamburg

Get new ideas during Food Innovation Camp 2024

Food start-ups and decision-makers in retail and hospitality sectors come together on June 17, 2024

Digital Media Women going strong in Hamburg

DMW announces events in June to empower women in digital sector
Science City Hamburg-Bahrenfeld

Research at centre of Science City Day in June

Science City in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld gives glimpse of future district - free admission
Recycling und Kreislaufwirtschaft

Online event series to shed light on circular economy

Stakeholders in science, research and industry to come together on June 4, 2024
Pop-up Circular Hub bietet Inspirationen für Unternehmen in Hamburg

Pop-up Circular Hub to reopen in central Hamburg

Jupiter Hamburg now in revamped 1990s office - focus on circular working environment until end 2024
OMR Festival

OMR offers food for thought and beyond digital realm

Power of positive stories, real cost savings thanks to virtual worlds and potential of AI
Vorbereitungen für das OMR24 laufen auf Hochtouren. Im Bild: Doppelspitze Philipp Westermayer und Isabell Gardt
OMR Festival

OMR 2024 looking for customers in left field

Success can be simple and inexpensive, if you know all the latest marketing hacks - an interview with Philipp Westermeyer and Isabelle Gardt, Managers of OMR
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