

Quantum computing making leap from theoretical to practical

Hamburg Innovation Centre opens - six projects underway with more to follow

Hamburg advancing digitalisation in public health service

German government earmarks EUR 800 million for new technologies and more efficient public health services
Business Location

Three main factors key to solving labour shortage

Action needed despite Hamburg's good position, says Michael Berlemann, HWWI Director, who tells Hamburg News about possible solutions
Vereinbarung Medical Assessment Center

Hamburg investing in emergency medical centre

EUR 440,000 in funds for improved health care in port and airport
Hafencity Hamburg

#Update Hamburg funding innovations for more liveable city

Ministry of Economics providing EUR 1.5 million for health, climate, education and public welfare projects
Creative Businesses

Live acts' value frequently underestimated

Hamburg Music celebrating 20th anniversary - Hamburg News talks to Alexander Schulz, CEO of Hamburg Music, about sector's importance
Cruise Center Steinwerder

Port of Hamburg pushing electrification of freight transport

Cruise Centre Steinwerder opens six fast-charging points - EUR 260,000 from German government
Frau mit Packtasche steht vor einem On-Demand-Shuttle von Moia, das vor dem Hamburger Bahnhof Dammtor parkt

Combining goods and passenger transport feasible in Hamburg?

MOIA's pilot project with on-demand shuttles evaluated
Glückliche Menschen am Hamburger Hafen

Hamburg "happiest" German state

Top marks for Hamburg in Happiness Atlas
Hafencity im Bau

Hamburg to speed up building permits

New Hamburg Building Code foresees shorter approval procedures from 2026
X Charge Testzentrum in Hamburg

XCharge Europe sets up testing facility in Hamburg

Provider of electric vehicle chargers seeks closer customer proximity
Creative Businesses

Brisk Christmas season on stages across Hamburg

Theatre tickets among ten most popular Christmas gifts - Hamburg's theatres defying consumer gloom
785 results
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