

Happy Christmas!

Hamburg News wishes its readers a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year

Latest food cluster to lead way in Europe

Spotlight on "Made in Hamburg" - Sascha Taube, Managing Director of Cluster outlines plans
Hamburg Airport

New direct flights from Hamburg Airport to Rome and Milan

Easyjet to operate daily flights to Italian cities from March 2025
Environmental protection

Green Kayak presents improved results for 2024

Three tonnes less waste removed from Hamburg's waterways - trawling for rubbish not fish
Verleihung der „Startup Ecosystem Stars Awards"

Hamburg wins "Startup Ecosystem Stars Awards"

International Chamber of Commerce honours city's efforts to boost startups and digitalise administration
Three Ports Summit Kooperation für mehr Hafensicherheit
Port of Hamburg

Hamburg hosts "Three Ports Sumimit" for more security in Europe

Hamburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp join forces to tackle drug smuggling
Paradox Museum

Paradox Museum opens in Hamburg

New museum offers edutainment at intersection of art, science and senses
Kreative Ideen für Hamburgs Innenstadt

Hamburg funding creative ideas for city centre

22 pioneering ideas selected - EUR 640,000 for creative pilot projects
Binnenschifffahrt auf der Elbe
Energy Transition

Inland shipping on Elbe as catalyst of energy transition

Hamburg and other port cities discuss climate-friendly freight transport on waterways

Hamburg planning marked expansion of charging infrastructure

Five private operators to set up 10,000 charging points by 2030

Hamburg celebrates 30th anniversary of twinning with Chicago

HamburgAmbassadors hold "Hamburg Tree Art" to mark date
E-Mobilität am Hamburg Airport: Ladepunkte im Parkhaus

Hamburg Airport sets up charging infrastructure in car park

Flying and travel to airport to become more sustainable - 168 new e-charging points in car park
785 results
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