

Hamburg-based start-ups battling plastic

Biological plastic alternatives, circular economy and avoiding microplastics - founders coming up with all kinds of clever ideas
Forschung in Hamburg

Hamburg University gets EUR 3 million for research into social change

Research group at UHH investigating effects of climate change, globalisation, technological change and mass immigration
Emissionshandel wirkt Luftverschmutzung entgegen

Emissions trading good for health, new study by UHH finds

Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change and Society" analyses indirect effects of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme
Firmengebäude Galab Laboratories

Galab Laboratories growing amid innovation

Laboratory in Bergedorf produces natural breast milk sugar

Rymax One to make Hamburg leading quantum computing centre

EUR 17 million for new EU-funded "Hamburg Quantum Computing" project demonstrator
Innovatives Arbeitszeitmodell für Pflegeberufe

UKE honoured for new work model project

"Work 5.0" project at University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf wins "German Demography Award 2024"

Mo:re's tiny organs to make animal testing obsolete?

Hamburg-based start-up testing active ingredients on tiny, artificially-grown organs
Mikrobiologisches Forschungsprojekt

EUR 1.9 million for water research project

German government funds MOMOBIO project on  microbial biodiversity 

40 million euros for cutting-edge research at the University of Hamburg and UKE

German Research Foundation funds three major interdisciplinary projects in the fields of neuroscience, infectious diseases and climate research
Kinder- und Jugendgesundheit

German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health now in Hamburg

UKE and Leibniz Institute of Virology to form Hamburg branch - EUR 4.8 million in German government funds for start-up phase

QSea I "Made in Germany" presented in Hamburg

First quantum computer demonstrator to boost digital sovereignty in Germany and EU
United Nations University Hub an der TU Hamburg

United Nations University Hub inaugurated at TU Hamburg

Global research collaboration to focus on sustainable engineering solutions to climate change
290 results
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