Port of Hamburg

Hafenbeziehungen im Fokus: Gruppenfoto des Latvian-German Port Forums in Riga

Germany and Latvia forge closer ties

Forum in Riga focusing on ports, transport and logistics
SMM Leitmesse

SMM 2024 to showcase future of shipping

Leading maritime trade fair underway from September 3-6, 2024 with conferences and panels on open stages
Containerschiffe im Hamburger Hafen

Port of Hamburg named "Best Global Seaport"

Port wins "Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Awards" for third time
HHLA-Wasserstofftankstelle mit Mann

HHLA sets up hydrogen test field in Port of Hamburg

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG and Clean Port Logistics Cluster testing hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles

Upswing in maritime sector

Positive outlook for shipping, port industries and shipbuilding - challenges remain
Landstrom für Containerschiffe

MSC signs onshore power agreement for container ships

Milestone for low-emission shipping in Port of Hamburg

HHLA subsidiary puts e-trucks into operation

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG pushing ahead with sustainability strategy forward

Homeport to bridge harbour and technology

Homecoming Homeport to mark third anniversary with prototype and technology festival

AI improving security in Port of Hamburg

Hamburg's waterway police use AI to detect undeclared dangerous goods in containers

Flotte Hamburg orders two all-electric workboats

E-vessels to advance zero-emission concept for sustainable shipping
Container-Installation zur UEFA Euro 2024

Container installation for UEFA Euro 2024 honoured once again

A total of 43 prizes: The "Container Draw" production in the Port of Hamburg wins marketing and creative awards at the ADC 2024 competition to mark the start of the European Championships

Hanseatic-Scandinavian links extend to many levels

Fehmarnbelt Tunnel, Northvolt, Mærsk and IKEA among successful examples of German-Scandinavian relations
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