
Ein Mann in gelber Warnweste kooridiniert LKW-Transporte von Containern

Future of logistics reliant on cooperation and digitalisation

Platform economy, startup environment and upcoming Fehmarnbelt tunnel - a look at Hamburg as a logistics centre
Hand hält funkenwerfende Wunderkerze in die Luft

Changes in 2025

Electronic files, mini jobs, CO2 prices among 15 changes
Binnenschifffahrt auf der Elbe

Inland shipping on Elbe as catalyst of energy transition

Hamburg and other port cities discuss climate-friendly freight transport on waterways
Frau mit Packtasche steht vor einem On-Demand-Shuttle von Moia, das vor dem Hamburger Bahnhof Dammtor parkt

Combining goods and passenger transport feasible in Hamburg?

MOIA's pilot project with on-demand shuttles evaluated
E-Lok von Railpool

Railpool opens electric locomotive workshop for hinterland services

Rail vehicle rental company sets up cutting-edge workshop in Hamburg-Billbrook
Containerschiffe im Hamburger Hafen

Port of Hamburg named "Best Global Seaport"

Port wins "Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain Awards" for third time
HHLA-Wasserstofftankstelle mit Mann

HHLA sets up hydrogen test field in Port of Hamburg

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG and Clean Port Logistics Cluster testing hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles

Upswing in maritime sector

Positive outlook for shipping, port industries and shipbuilding - challenges remain

HHLA subsidiary puts e-trucks into operation

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG pushing ahead with sustainability strategy forward

FMS Fahrzeugbau a real success story

Family business now European market leader in all kinds of special and heavy haulage vehicles

Hamburg counts among top ten maritime cities

City moves up to eighth place, LMC Report 2024 says - Singapore remains leader

Maritime sector backing other industries

SERIES (7): 100 jobs in maritime sector help secure 130 jobs in Germany - competitiveness paramount
84 results
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