
Zwei aufgeschlagene Laptops mit zwei Personen im Anschnitt, die gemeinsam ein Papier bearbeiten

Hamburg Next Level helping startups and SMEs go international

First phase of Chamber of Commerce's scheme begins on December 10 and 12, 2024
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Firms in Hamburg Metropolitan Region scoop Lünale Business Award

Schlosserei Schweitzer and BBL Bahnbau Lüneburg among winners
Begrünung für mehr Nachhaltigkeit

Sustainability project boosts greening

"Corporate Nature" fostering biodiversity on companies' premises
Angeschnittener Flugzeugflügel vor pinkfarbenem Wolken

Popular destinations this winter

Emirates publishes list of most popular long-haul destinations from four German airports
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspres

Hamburg-based firms scoop German Sustainability Award

From buses with showers to process heat for households - Hamburger Hochbahn and Aurubis among winners - ceremony on November 28, 2024
Hamburger Stadtpark mit Planetarium
Climate protection

Clusters across Hamburg join forces in KLIMAready

Seven clusters to work on climate protection issues
Luftaufnahme von Hamburger Wasserstoff-Lagerplatz

New corporate network emerging in west Hamburg

Focus on future of energy supply for industry and commerce

About You consolidates position in e-commerce

Hamburg-based group boosts payments system - BaFin issues licence for Scayle Payments
E-Lok von Railpool

Railpool opens electric locomotive workshop for hinterland services

Rail vehicle rental company sets up cutting-edge workshop in Hamburg-Billbrook
Open Lab Mobile

"Open Lab Mobile" truck offers 3D printing and laser technology

Gives SMEs more access to digital production technologies
Unterschiedliche Kosmetikbehältnisse in braunem Glas

Colipi admitted to L'Oréal Green Sciences Incubator

Hamburg-based start-up qualifies for incubator run by L'Oréal and Genopole biocluster
Creative Businesses

"Nordstern" project heading for new shores

Pop-up office for District Office Hamburg Nord proves successful - Susanne Rengel tells Hamburg News about experiment in Cross Innovation Hub
511 results
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