

Hamburg-based start-ups battling plastic

Biological plastic alternatives, circular economy and avoiding microplastics - founders coming up with all kinds of clever ideas

ZAL - a success story for Hamburg aviation hub

Expanded research space opens in Center for Applied Aeronautical Research

Rymax One to make Hamburg leading quantum computing centre

EUR 17 million for new EU-funded "Hamburg Quantum Computing" project demonstrator

Greater digital freedom for caravanning fans

Remote working in motorhomes, smartphone monitoring and Caravana – latest website for caravans and motorhomes

Mo:re's tiny organs to make animal testing obsolete?

Hamburg-based start-up testing active ingredients on tiny, artificially-grown organs

"Food is next big thing"

Malnutrition can be deadly, but correct diet could save the planet - Food Innovation Camp focuses on future of food

Camm Solutions to end microplastics

Hamburg-based start-up presents alternative to wasteful to-go cups full of microplastics
Tafelbild zu Startup

Starting signal for Startup Factory Hamburg

Hamburg advances to the next round of the nationwide "Startup Factory" lighthouse competition

HEY/Mobility Hamburg gets the future of mobility rolling

Mobility Festival on 12 and 13 June 2024 provides ideas and solutions for sustainable mobility
Finale des Female StartAperitivo 2024

Inleap Photonics wins Female StartAperitivo 2024

2nd place went to HandsOn! from Hamburg

Get new ideas during Food Innovation Camp 2024

Food start-ups and decision-makers in retail and hospitality sectors come together on June 17, 2024

Record number of start-ups in Hamburg

1,546 new businesses in Q1 of 2024
381 results
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