
Homeoffice-Platz am Fenster
Remote working

Hamburg fares well in terms or remote working

Above-average rate of 28.7 per cent in Hamburg, Bertelsmann survey finds
Business-Menschen im Büro

Survey reveals German managers' motivations

Manager Barometer 2023/2024 highlights motivation and challenges facing managers
Rednerpult auf Veranstaltung
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Gunnar Uldall Business Award 2024 for start-ups

Deadline for applications on September 30, 2024 - up to EUR 10,000 for pioneering ideas from Hamburg Metropolitan Region

More women in management amid takeovers

Succession monitor shows higher proportion of women and investments - great demand for young professionals in skilled trades
Neues Hauptquartier von Galaxus

Galaxus to move into new headquarters in Hamburg

German subsidiary of leading Swiss online retailer Digitec Galaxus triples office space

Senate presents interim report on "Master Plan Crafts 2030"

Monitoring by senate and Chamber of Skilled Crafts proves successful - challenges remain
Digital Marketing

"Hamburg 2040" for OMR Festival

Chamber of Commerce presents future prize
Leuphana Universität an Verleihung der Lüneburger Wirtschaftspreise beteiligt
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Apply now for LÜNALE Awards

Deadline for applications ends on July 31, 2024
HHLA-Wasserstofftankstelle mit Mann

HHLA sets up hydrogen test field in Port of Hamburg

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG and Clean Port Logistics Cluster testing hydrogen for heavy duty vehicles
Firmengebäude Galab Laboratories
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Galab Laboratories growing amid innovation

Laboratory in Bergedorf produces natural breast milk sugar
Stromnetz Hamburg als städtischer Energieversorger
Business Location

Stromnetz Hamburg draws positive balance for 2023

EUR 79.1 million profit - record investments in Hamburg's energy grids

HHLA subsidiary puts e-trucks into operation

Hamburger Hafen und Logistik AG pushing ahead with sustainability strategy forward
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