

New ideas wanted for more vibrant downtown Hamburg

EUR 50,000 for novel ideas for Altstadt, Neustadt and HafenCity
Moderne U-Bahn der Hamburger Hochbahn Linie U5

Hamburger Hochbahn investing record EUR 2.8 billion

Framework agreement with Alstom on new underground trains for Hamburg from 2028

Hamburger Hochbahn announces EUR 1 billion investment

Record passenger numbers - local transport to become more sustainable

Hydrogen and car pooling key to future of mobility

Autonomously driving "guide dogs" also imaginable as more and more ideas emerge

HEY/Mobility Hamburg gets the future of mobility rolling

Mobility Festival on 12 and 13 June 2024 provides ideas and solutions for sustainable mobility

Hamburg Airport announces summer destinations

More airlines offering daily flights to European sunspots - eight new routes

Passenger numbers on public transport rise 15 per cent in 2023

31 January 2024
Increase driven by lifting of pandemic measures and launch of Germany Ticket nationwide

Hamburg Hochbahn to build all-electric bus depot in north-east Hamburg

22 November 2023
Wandsbek District Authority grants planning permission for site in Meiendorf - depot with 130 additional buses to open in summer 2026

Stromnetz Hamburg to advance bidirectional charging

6 November 2023
Frankfurt Airport’s real lab working on bidirectional charging – Hamburg’s grid operator playing key role

Hamburg Airport launches winter 2023/2024 flight schedule

2 November 2023
Airport increases number of flights by 20 per cent - 55 airlines now flying to 95 destinations

EUR 26 million for autonomous ride-pooling in Hamburg

26 October 2023
German government and Hamburg roll out ALIKE project - automated shuttles to hit roads in 2025

Shipping on Lake Alster to become emission free

20 October 2023
New regulation on lowering CO2 to take effect in November - part of effort to achieve climate neutrality in Hamburg
230 results
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