“The Startup Factory is an excellent addition to the DESY innovation ecosystem,” said Arik Willner, Chief Technology Officer at DESY. “It fills a crucial gap in supporting high-tech and deep-tech start-ups in the first years after foundation. The focus on new materials, data science and AI fits perfectly with our expertise in supporting start-ups.” The aim of the factory is to significantly increase the number of science-based start-ups in the metropolitan region and to establish a successful European hub for start-ups and scale-ups in those fields.
The University of Hamburg in co-operation with the Hamburg University of Technology and the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) has qualified for the final of the "Startup Factory Lighthouse Competition" hosted by the German Ministry of Economics and Climate (BMWK). The ministry has earmarked up to EUR 10 milllion in funds to develop structures over five years with a private investment of the same amount.
Focus on new materials, data science and AI
Boosting city as centre of innovation and entrepreneurship
The City of Hamburg aims to make the city attractive for innovation and entrepreneurship. To this end, scientific institutions and business will work more closely together. The Michael Otto Foundation and the Joachim Herz Foundation have stepped up their commitment and will invest in the Startup Factory in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. "Start-ups challenge large companies and existing markets and help develop innovations. They can play a key role in competitiveness," said Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics and Innovation.
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