
Hamburg prioritising inclusion via EU project SINFONICA

12 September 2022
EU project advancing Hamburg's ITS strategy

The City of Hamburg joined Thursday (September 1, 2022) the EU’s three-year Social Innovation to Foster Inclusive Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (SINFONICA) project to boost inclusive and barrier-free transport. The project has received around EUR 3.8 million in funds including EUR 200,000 for Hamburg from the EU's "Horizon Europe" scheme for research and innovation. 

ITS - transport for everyone

"Transport in Hamburg and in many other European cities is becoming increasingly digitalised. Mobility services are being networked and autonomous vehicles are being developed and used on a trial basis," said Almut Möller, State Councillor of the City of Hamburg. The goal is to guarantee mobility for everyone and to pioneer intelligent transport systems (ITS). "At no point in this development should we ignore the fact that people's mobility needs, especially those with perceptual and mobility impairments, are highly diverse and individual," Tjarks pointed out. Thus, the development must take account of these needs from the very start.

Developing a free ITS strategy

SINFONICA will involve companies and residents of Hamburg and integrate its ITS strategy to make transport more efficient, safe and climate-friendly by 2030. The project takes accounts of the entire population's needs and especially those of the handicapped. The EU project through August 31, 2025 involves companies in seven member countries. Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport, noted: "Real inclusion starts long before the platform or the driverless bus and in the planning and brainstorming stages."


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