Commenting on the jury's decision, Norbert Aust, President of the Chamber of Commerce, said: "The annual OMR Festival has international appeal, raises Hamburg's profile and is now synonymous with the city. The festival has revolutionised the concept of the traditional trade fair, but has also set new standards through creativity, innovation and commitment. OMR is a leading digital business platform that has morphed from festival to knowledge service provider as well as catalyst of further education. It is actively shaping change in Hamburg's media industry.
The media and event company Ramp 106, known as the "Online Marketing Rockstars" brand is this year's recipient of the. Chamber of Commerce's Hamburg 2040 award, a press release said Thursday (July 4, 2024). The award was presented during the Chamber of Commerce's annual summer party in the newly-opened Grünbunker. The annual prize honours companies, institutions or individuals who are actively and innovatively shaping the future of Hamburg along the lines of "How do we want to live in future and from what?"
InternationalOMR Festival

City to become more liveable, successful and attractive
Commenting on the award, Philipp Westermeyer, CEO of OMR, said: “My generation is tasked with transforming present-day Hamburg into a liveable, successful and attractive city by 2040.” Around 500 guests had attended the ceremony in the Grünbunker under the motto of "We act for the climate".
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