The scheme, run by the Ministry of Science, Research, Equalities and Districts gives university teams an opportunity to further innovations that open up new perspectives, forge unusual collaborations and overcome existing obstacles. thereby impacting commerce, science and society. C4T has lent financial support to the TrustedCamApp and Mobile Trust projects to boost protection from fake videos. As a result, Skwarek and his team qualified for follow-up funding from the German Agency for Transfer and Innovation and prevailed over 3,000 rival applicants.
Scientists at HAW Hamburg have come up with a kind of watermark to unmask fake videos. "Each individual video frame is broken down into segments that are secured by a mathematically generated signature, like a watermark. That makes it almost impossible to fully remove the watermark," said Professor Volker Skwarek, Head of the CyberSec Research and Transfer Centre (FTZ) at HAW Hamburg. The watermark has been facilitated by the latest Calls for Transfer (C4T) funding scheme which is now accepting applications. This comes amid the rise of deep fakes, making it increasingly difficult for users to identify manipulated videos. This, in turn, leads to ever more uncertainty about trustworthy digital content.
Grow, mature, create impact

Funding of up to EUR 35,000 euros
Around 146 ideas have received funding since 2018. Researchers working on noel transfer projects now have until the deadline of March 31, 2025 to apply for up to EUR 35,000 in funds. Emphasis is on practical implementation and transferring projects from universities to the respective fields of activity. C4T is open to all disciplines. Applications from medical and artistic disciplines as well as the social sciences and humanities are welcome. Past recipients include a study of interfaith communities and a biomarker project to measure neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis patients.

C4T has launched the new C4T PIER PLUS funding scheme for co-operation projects with close links to the Pier Plus profiles including "PIER Science City Bahrenfeld", "PIER Health and Infection", "PIER Climate and Coast", "PIER Conflict, Coordination and Security", "PIER Climate-friendly Mobility" and "PIER New Materials". This should make cutting-edge research even more transparent and strengthen interdisciplinary co-operation between the 22 universities and non-university research institutions currently involved.
Sources and further information
Calls for Transfer
"Calls for Transfer" (C4T) is managed by Hamburg Innovation GmbH, funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Equal Opportunities and the City of Hamburg, and is backed by the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH). It is run by the C4T team whose committee makes independent decisions.
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