"Innovations can only yield social benefits, if they find their way into applications. The direct link with industry is therefore hugely important. That enables the transfer of knowledge into market-ready products and solutions," said Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics. Hamburg Innovation provides access to all the latest research findings, scientific expertise and promising technologies. By reorganising and expanding its range of services and positioning itself as a joint platform for innovation projects at universities and research institutions, Hamburg Innovation has reinforced its function as an interface between business and science in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Based on the new science clusters, the Pier Plus platform integrates shareholders and interest groups under the leadership of the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. It will co-operate closely with Tutech Innovation, a privately organised subsidiary of the Hamburg University of Technology and the City of Hamburg in future.
Martin Mahn, Manager of Hamburg Innovation since 2015, handed over Thursday (January 16, 2025) the reins to his successor Johanna Große-Lohmann, who is now responsible for one of Germany's leading innovation and technology transfer companies. Hamburg Innovation has combined entrepreneurial and scientific potential for 20 years and is now a key player in over 20 universities and research institutions in the Hamburg Metropolitan region.
Platform for innovation projects at universities and research institutions
Momentum in Hamburg's innovation ecosystem
"We all benefit from successful knowledge and technology transfer - science, business and our city," said Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science and Research. A "great dynamism" is noticeable in Hamburg's innovation ecosystem,according to Jetta Frost, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Hamburg Innovation and Vice President of the University of Hamburg. She added: "Universities in Hamburg want to turn Hamburg Innovation into our joint transfer platform to bring innovative ideas from science to the metropolitan region."
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