Economic Development Council of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Perfectly networked in northern Germany

Cooperation between economic development organizations in northern Germany has a long tradition.

In order to coordinate the joint activities of each individual economic development agency in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region, particularly in cluster management and location marketing, they came together in 2006 to form the Economic Development Council of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.

The council currently includes a representative from the economic development agencies of the districts and independent cities of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region as well as a representative each from the state of Lower Saxony, Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH (WTSH), Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hamburg Invest and Süderelbe AG.

Hamburg Metropolitan Region at a glance

Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Spokesman of the Economic Development Council

The spokesperson for the Economic Development Council is Ulf Hahn (Managing Director of Wirtschafts- und Aufbaugesellschaft Stormarn mbH).

Members of the Economic Development Council

Marc-Mario Bertermann
Managing Director
EGNO - Entwicklungsgesellschaft Norderstedt mbH

Michaela Bierschwall
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft im Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg mbH

Mario Leupold
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH für Stadt und Landkreis Lüneburg

Jens Geissmann-Fuchs
Wirtschaftsförderung Uelzen aktiv

Dirk Gerdes
Managing Director
KWL GmbH Wirtschaftsförderung LÜBECK GmbH

Dr. Hinrich Habeck
Managing Director
WTSH - Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH

Ulf Hahn
Managing Director
Wirtschafts- und Aufbaugesellschaft Stormarn mbH

Kathrin Hoffmann
Landeshauptstadt Schwerin
Department of Economics, Construction and Public Order

Martina Hummel-Manzau
Managing Director
Entwicklungsgesellschaft Westholstein mbH

Clemens Herrmann
Gewerbeflächen & Immobilienservice
Wirtschaftsentwicklungsgesellschaft des Kreises Segeberg mbH

Martin Kopp
Managing Director
Landkreis Nordwestmecklenburg

Dr. Olaf Krüger
Executive Board
Wachstumsinitiative Süderelbe AG

Iris Meyer
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsagentur Neumünster GmbH

Jens Meyer
Managing Director
Entwicklungsgesellschaft Ostholstein mbH EGOH

Lars Bobzien
Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour, Transport and Digitalisation

Matthias Reichert
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsförderung Landkreis Stade GmbH

Dr. Christian Rogge
Regional cooperations
Location marketing
Agency for Economic Development Cuxhaven

Dr. Harald Schroers
Managing Director
WEP Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH Kreis Pinneberg

Berit Steinberg
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Südwestmecklenburg mbH

Dr. Rolf Strittmatter
Managing Director
HIW Hamburg Invest Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Thomas Einsfelder
Managing Director
Invest in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GmbH

Anke von Fintel
Office of Economic Development
Landkreis Heidekreis

Gesa Weiss
Head of Economic Development Landkreis Rotenburg (Wümme)

Jens Wrede
Managing Director
Wirtschaftsförderung im Landkreis Harburg GmbH (WLH)

Simon-Daniel Schermuly
Wirtschaftsförderung Lüchow-Dannenberg

News from Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Innovative Unternehmen in der Metropolregion Hamburg
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

News briefs from Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Awards, investments and innovations across metropolitan region - from Fehmarn to Soltau, Cuxhaven to Schwerin
Kynda-Gründer Daniel MacGowan-von Holstein und Franziskus Schnabel
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Kynda raises EUR 3 million in seed round for mycoproteins

Foodtech startup in Hamburg Metropolitan Region forms partnership with Enjoy Ventures, PHW Group and Clima Now
Frauen legen Hände übereinander
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

International Women's Day taking off in Hamburg Metropolitan Region

A look at how women enter a profession and move up the ladder in Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Junger Mann sitzt auf einem Stuhl und schaut auf sein Laptop

Startup City Highlights

Top monthly reports from Hamburg's startup ecosystem
Drone shot Future Hamburg Talks
Future Hamburg Talks

Future Hamburg Talk meets Dr Arwen Cross, European XFEL

Experiencing research in European XFEL's Lighthouse Visitor Centre - Dr Arwen Cross, Co-ordinator, in conversation
Schweriner Schloss
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Schwerin investing heavily in tourism

Visitor numbers rise in wake of UNESCO award - city now planning World Heritage Centre and new hotels
Junger Mann auf Fahrrad am Bahnsteig mit einfahrendem Zug
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Mobility alliance for Süderelbe region

Hamburg and Lower Saxony to develop sustainable mobility with southern metropolitan region
Entwurf einer Produktionshalle der Industrie 4.0
Hamburg Metropolitan Region

Smart Factory 5G+ innovation network founded

Universities and companies in Hamburg Metropolitan Region joining forces for intelligent production systems
Future Hamburg Talks

Future Hamburg Talks meets Ulf Hahn, Member of the Board of HanseBelt

Ulf Hahn, Economic Development Manager in Stormarn, explains how the Fehmarn Belt Tunnel to Denmark benefits the surrounding regions

Get in touch

If you have any questions, please contact the representative of the Hamburg Metropolitan Region Economic Development Council.

Your Contact person

Martina Beutler

Consultant Economic Development Council
Hamburg Marketing GmbH

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