

"Kushel" offering soft towels made of beechwood fibre

21 January 2020
Hamburg-based start-up meeting demand for sustainable and fair trade products

Several hotel projects planned in Hamburg this year

7 January 2020
Tourist and hotel numbers grow - outlying locations proving popular

More and more start-ups keen to save the world

6 January 2020
More and more Hamburg founders are starting with a sustainable business idea. In loose succession, Hamburg News presents particularly promising concepts

Shopping without packaging in Hamburg's first zero-waste store

2 January 2020
Trend to package-free food rising as more stores open up

Clean Logistics to make diesel-run lorries environment friendlier

23 December 2019
Start-up in Winsen converts lorries to hydrogen hybrid backed by German Ministry of Transport

"U3-Fiete" - world's most frequently used bicycle

13 December 2019
Upcycled bike made by from DT3 carriages - thanks to Till Kiefer and Hamburger Hochbahn AG

Hamburg making cycling infrastructure more attractive

6 December 2019
"Bicycle Monitor Germany 2019" certifies Hamburg bike-friendliness - more advances likely

Delivery bikes to replace vans

3 December 2019
Shift to cleaner, quieter and space-saving bikes worth EUR 1.5 million to Hamburg

Hamburg's residents cycle 1.1 million kilometres

25 September 2019
Hamburg's "Stadtradeln" campaign beats own target

OECD calls for "thinking big" in Hamburg region

24 September 2019
OECD presents report on development in Hamburg Metropolitan Region

"Path of Lights" marks new section of cycle route in Pergolenviertel

29 August 2019
70 balloons light up new route for three days in Hamburg

Are blockchain and UN SDGs compatible?

27 August 2019
Ambassador of SDGs highlights potential of blockchain for sustainable development
380 results
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