

World's fastest soft X-ray camera now in metropolitan region

3 December 2019
European XFEL's DSSC detector holds potential for medicine and energy via ultra-fast imaging

OECD calls for "thinking big" in Hamburg region

24 September 2019
OECD presents report on development in Hamburg Metropolitan Region

European XFEL research campus evolving after launching well

11 September 2019
European XFEL research campus keen to attract public

Spiegel Group boosting innovations

28 August 2019
Spiegel's Dr. Kerstin Fröhlich, Head of Innovation, talks about educational work and the innovation campus

Are blockchain and UN SDGs compatible?

27 August 2019
Ambassador of SDGs highlights potential of blockchain for sustainable development

No universal remedy, says Dr. Michael Müller-Wünsch

9 July 2019
More courage needed to spark innovations, says Otto Technology Divisional Board Member

Interface Society making digitalisation tangible

27 June 2019
Interdisciplinary platform now in second year - SmartCity compass launches

Fire protection for deep-freeze warehouses

26 June 2019
N2telligence's fuel cells championing energy supply and preventive fire protection dispels fears of digital future

24 June 2019
Oliver Rößling's meet zooms in on latest tech developments - Hamburg News reports

"Blockchain will become a basic technology"

29 May 2019
Blockchain expert Lennart Ante explains technology and points to risks and opportunities

Five reasons why innovations fail

28 March 2019
Transrapid, Zeppelin and Google Glass never conquered market despite huge, innovative power

HEAT ends first test phase successfully

10 March 2019
Autonomous bus HEAT tested in HafenCity traffic - first passengers in mid 2020
680 results
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