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Stromnetz Hamburg draws positive balance for 2023

27 June 2024
EUR 79.1 million profit - record investments in Hamburg's energy grids

Stromnetz Hamburg announced a turnover of EUR 1.08 billion,  a profit of  EUR 79.1 million as well as record investments of EUR 388.6 million in 2023, a press release said Monday (June 24, 2024).

Focus on energy transition and digitalisation

"Stromnetz Hamburg has become one of the most important players in Hamburg's energy transition since the company was remunicipalised nine years ago. The progress made in converting and expanding the electricity grids shows that the repurchase of the energy grids has paid off," said Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Stromnetz Hamburg. Emphasis is now on the gradual digitalisation of the energy grids using in-house IT solutions such as eRound. This powerful IT platform manages around 16,000 charging points across Germany. The digitalisation of the grid stations and substations in Hamburg is also progressing, leading to remote real-time monitoring and control. This should make maintenance more efficient and boost the response to grid faults.

Stromnetz and Gasnetz Hamburg to merge

As part of Stromnetz Hamburg’s efforts to achieve climate neutrality by 2040, the company is pressing ahead with the expansion and conversion of the electricity infrastructure this year. "Our grid is ready for the mobility and heating transition and for more and more privately installed photovoltaic systems. We will ensure a stable electricity supply for everyone in Hamburg with increasing investments," said Andreas Cerbe, Managing Director of Stromnetz Hamburg. Stromnetz Hamburg also plans to merge with Gasnetz Hamburg in September to create synergies and to optimize the energy supply across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region.


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