"Our grid infrastructure must be ready for future to help achieve Hamburg's goal of climate-neutrality by 2045. Our grid is a cornerstone of a successful energy transition," said Michael Pollmann, State Councillor of the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture. "We are responding to the foreseeable increase in load demands on the grid as a result of the strong electrification of numerous sectors and the expansion of renewable energies and other decentralised feeders," said Andreas Cerbe, spokesman for Stromnetz Hamburg. "The expansion is necessary especially at the high and medium voltage level to achieve climate protection targets in Hamburg." Last year, the southern grid hub in Waltershof was completed. The renewal of the third and last junction in the east of Hamburg is scheduled to begin in 2024.
Stromnetz Hamburg to invest EUR 50 million in upgrading substation
Stromnetz Hamburg is investing EUR 50 million in upgrading its substation in Norderstedt which is one of three major coupling points on the upstream extra-high voltage grid, a press release said Wednesday (August 23, 2023). The station supplies electricity to industrial, commercial and private customers all over Hamburg. The plans foresee a new outdoor switching station and an operations building, which are due for completion by 2028.
Expansion at high and medium voltage level essential
Major challenges during modernistation
The overhaul of the substation in Norderstedt is expected to be quite demanding as it will impact everyday operations. During the five-year construction phase, temporary lines wil be erected on site to ensure the supply of electricity to customers. Two switchgears have to be operated temporarily and sufficient expansion reserves for future load increases have to be taken into account. "The co-ordination of the trades during ongoing operation poses a major challenge that requires the most precise co-ordination with clients," said Robert Schaetzke, Head of the Switchgear Construction Germany business unit at SPIE Germany & Central Europe. The multi-technology service provider and general contractor is responsible for the renewal.
Sources and further information
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