Hornef became an entrepreneur in her early 20s and was scouring for new challenges after completing her training as a tax clerk. Together with Ben Reimer, she hit on the idea for Skillbased in October 2022. A year and a half later, Hornef came up trumps in the "Starterin Hamburg" contest in March 2024 and placed second in the technology category. In an interview with Hamburg News, she gives insight into her personal story as a founder and the start-up’s possible impact on the working world.
Hamburg News: What motivated you to found Skillbased?
Frederika Hornef : The idea emerged during my commercial apprenticeship. At the time, I noticed that many companies were having difficulties finding suitable staff. Yet, many companies were open to hiring other (alternative) professionals. My employer, for instance, prioritised motivated candidates over those who had completed an apprenticeship. My joint founder was unhappy in his job in strategic purchasing and wanted to try out something new. He encountered the usual problems faced by career changers nowadays. Together, we eventually hit on the idea for Skillbased, which is devised as a mutually beneficial platform.
Hamburg News: What challenges in the working world does your platform address?
Frederika Hornef: Equal opportunities is among our top priorities. We value anonymity during the matching or application procedure. We do not provide photos, names, age, gender or nationality. We want to change the way talent is sourced and provide companies only with the skills they need to make a decision.
Hamburg News: What experiences have you had as a female founder? Is gender equality an issue in tomorrow's working world?
Frederika Hornef: I hadn't really focussed on the gender issue until that point. But I quickly realised that this imbalance, which our platform addresses, effects my daily work. It's frequently not malicious, but taken for granted that women have less knowledge and are thus taken less seriously. I was once told, for instance, by a female client how nice it was that I was supporting my business partner with his idea. That really irked me because I put just as much work and effort into our start-up. That prompted me to apply for the “Starterin” competition. That is a very cool opportunity for women to take to the stage, talk openly about such issues and make ourselves stand out a little.