"The planned digital art museum, new digital industrial culture offers in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region and the annual Museum Day is just around the corner. Hamburg is going to great efforts to make art and culture accessible. The diverse offers of the #seeforfree campaign make 'Reformation Day' a day of engagement with the world," said Dr Carsten Brosda,. Senator for Culture and Media. People can broaden their horizons and meet others who are interested in culture. More and more private institutions are joining the event, begun in 2018 by state museums.
A record 40 museums, art galleries and exhibition halls in public and private ownership are opening their doors free of charge on Tuesday (October 31, 2023) or Reformation Day, which is a religious holiday in certain parts of Germany including Hamburg. Under the motto "#seeforfree", visitors can explore historical and natural science museums and attend special events like readings or go on guided tours in different languages. Ukrainian musicians and artists are joining in this year.
#seeforfree enhances culture in Hamburg
Plenty of novelties
Among the participating museums are the Georgswerder Energy Mountain Information Centre, the Montblanc House, the Retro Games Club and the Bellachini Magic Museum. Popular special exhibitions including "Genial Frauen. Women Artists and their Companions" at the Bucerius Kunst Forum are free of charge on Reformation Day. An overview of the events and participating museums can found on the website.
Sources and further information
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