
Record 1.45 million passengers through Hamburg Airport in October

8 November 2023
Highest figure since 2019 - passenger numbers nearing pre-pandemic levels

A record 1.45 million passengers passed through Hamburg Airport in October 2023 marking the highest figure since the .  pandemic began in 2019. The month of October was already the strongest month of 2022. The latest figure marks a near 20 per cent increase in footfall.

Passenger numbers nearing pre-corona levels

"Passenger numbers at Hamburg Airport are nearing pre-corona levels," said Katja Bromm, Head of Communications at Hamburg Airport. "After a strong summer season, air travel is iin demand this October. Northern Germans obviously want to be mobile and travel by plane." Mallorca, the Canary Islands, Greece and Turkey are among the most popular destinations this autumn.

Steady, high passenger volumes in October 

Passenger numbers remained at a stable high level in October, even outside the holiday period. A new weekly high of 342,000 passengers was reached  in the second week of October and was higher than the busiest summer holiday week when around 336,000 people boarded flights at Hamburg Airport. The  "Slot&Fly" service allows passengers to save time and plan their journey better. The airport is also focusing on other technical innovations such as self-service check-in. Every third suitcase is now checked in at one of these machines.


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