
MSC signs onshore power agreement for container ships

28 June 2024
Milestone for low-emission shipping in Port of Hamburg

The Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) have signed an agreement on environment-friendly onshore power supply in the Port of Hamburg, a press release said Tuesday (June 18, 2024). MSC's cargo ships will be able to refuel at the Container Terminal Hamburg (CTH) using onshore electricity.

MSC pioneering onshore power 

The expanded onshore power supply is expected to lower pollution and boost climate protection in the port. "Hamburg is installing the technology on land. However, it needs ships that use renewable energy and shipping companies that create the appropriate conditions," said Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics. MSC is set to become the first shipping company to supply both cruise and container ships with onshore power following the completion of the system at a cost of EUR 14 million in CTH. The system features three connection points, each with a capacity of 7.5 megavolt amperes and will generate electricity entirely from renewable sources.

Sustainability in Port of Hamburg

HPA is committed to environment-friendly logistics chains and sustainable ports. To this end, several onshore power agreements have been reached in the cruise segment e.g., with the Carnival Group, TUI Cruises, Fred Olsen, Princess Cruises, Phoenix Reisen and the Norwegian Cruise Line. The infrastructure is constantly being expanded. In addition to the new onshore power system in the Cruise Centre Steinwerder, the new cruise terminal in HafenCity will be equipped with onshore power on completion in 2025. Other onshore power systems are being installed in container terminals in the Port of Hamburg.


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