“The Hamburg Metropolitan Region is setting up this network to make even greater use of the opportunities presented by the energy transition for north Germany,” said Andreas Rieckhof, MRH Chairman of the Regional Council and State Councillor in the Ministry of Economics. The new network should pool regional expertise - from battery and storage technology in Heide, research into hydrogen in Geesthacht, wind and heat in Hamburg, cavern storage and maritime applications in Wismar to materials research and lightweight.
Metropolitan region co-operating even closer on energy transition
The Hamburg Metropolitan Region (MRH) has set up the transnational, cross-state competence network “Innovation and Science Park (IWP)” for renewable energies and green hydrogen. The initiative should strengthen co-operation between the five energy hotspots of Heide, Geesthacht, Wismar/Schwerin, Stade and Hamburg to consolidate north Germany as an energy centre. The Hamburg Metropolitan Region is in charge of the project partnered by the Entwicklungsagentur Region Heide AöR, Forschungs-GmbH Wismar, Projektentwicklung Stade GmbH & Co KG, Hamburg Marketing GmbH, Geesthachter Innovations- und Technologiezentrum GITZ GmbH.
Joining forces to boosting regional competitiveness
Milestone for green energy transition across region
In 2019, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) identified the metropolitan region's potential to play a leading role in renewable energies worldwide. The competence network follows the OECD's recommendation on increased cross-border cooperation. R&D and diverse applications in the renewable energy sector will be gradually expanded as a result. The Hamburg Metropolitan Region now has an opportunity to establish its own energy transition ecosystem with self-sufficient, green energy and a hydrogen economic sector.
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