"We want to exploit synergies and make the Hamburg Metropolitan Region more attractive and internationally competitive. To this end, we are expanding cross-border co-operation," said Andreas Rieckhof, Chair of the Regional Council. Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein are putting EUR 1.5 million towards an agency to be set up in 2025 for more cohesion. Their cross-border agency will focus on sustainable and smart energy systems, materials and production processes, life sciences, health, bio-economy and the food industry, zero-emission transport, digitalisation and artificial intelligence.
The Regional Council has drafted its agenda to make the Hamburg Metropolitan Region more successful, attractive and sustainable after Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein passed resolutions on six OECD recommendations. A cross-state innovation agency, an innovation centre for autonomous driving and an office to secure skilled labour are to be set up. The plans also foresee science and innovation parks for renewable energies and green hydrogen, an international marketing strategy and a draft of a tourism and leisure concept.
Innovation agency to bring stakeholders together
Autonomous driving innovation centre to introduce technology
A transnational innovation centre for autonomous driving is to be set up in early 2024 to introduce the technology efficiently at a cost of EUR 1.7 million. Companies and municipalities are to be networked and advised through joint strategies and application-related projects. The investment is likely to lead to a knowledge centre for developing skills and networking stakeholders and create regional synergies for autonomous and connected driving.
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