Climate protection

HPA to supply TUI cruise ships with onshore power in Port of Hamburg

22 May 2023
Hamburg Port Authority and TUI Cruises sign onshore power agreement to reduce CO2

The Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) and TUI Cruises have signed a long-term agreement securing the onshore supply of electricity for cruise ships and those of Hapag-Lloyd Cruises while berthing in the Port of Hamburg, a press release said Monday (May 15, 2023). 

Reducing CO2 through onshore power

"The onshore power supply in the Port of Hamburg is a model across Europe. It brings us noticeably forward on our way to reducing the climate impact of ships," said Dr Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics. Under the contract, a significant number of cruise ships can be supplied with onshore electricity, according to Jens Meier, CEO of HPA, adding. "We and TUI cruises are making a strong contribution to air pollution control and avoiding CO2 emissions in the Port of Hamburg."

First TUI ship supplied with shore power

TUI Cruises "Mein Schiff 4" was the first vessel to receive onshore power in the Hamburg-Altona cruise terminal. The agreement allows the company to achieve its climate protection goals including cutting absolute CO2 emissions by 2030 over 2019, according to Wybcke Meier, CEO of TUI Cruises. The onshore power supply in the Port of Hamburg has brought the company a step closer to this goal.


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