"Digitalization holds great opportunities for our diverse and democratic urban society, which we want to strengthen with physical locations such as the planned 'House of the Digital World'. We need places that bring together offers from different areas and where people can acquire digital techniques," said Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. Digitalisation focuses on people, according to Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) in Hamburg. The Hamburg-based association Tatkräftig e.V. won a prize in the category "Digital Co-operation" for its commitment.
Germany's first digital day commences Friday (June 19, 2020) under the theme of "Promoting digital participation sustainably" in a bid to shape digital change. More than 1,000 virtual events are planned in all parts of society. Under the hashtag #digitalmiteinander, the events on digital day aim to connect people all over Germany and to highlight various aspects of digitalisation, discuss opportunities and challenges and initiate a broad social dialogue. The country's four largest start-up hotspots Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich are also hosting the "Startup-Champs@Digitaltag". The event is sponsored by the "Digital for All" initiative, which brings together 28 organisations from civil society, culture, science, business, welfare and the public sector.
People at centre of digitalisation
Digital stage for culture in Hamburg
The cultural scene in Hamburg is getting a digital stage for its diverse events e.g. livestreams and online guided tours to podcasts and readings on the day. The digital "Hamburger Kultur für zuhause" (Hamburg culture at home) gives theatre lovers insight into private theatres in the "4 Minuten Theater" (4MT or 4 Minutes of Theatre) section. Fans of architecture can gain a virtual impression of the Unesco World Cultural Heritage Site in Hamburg's Speicherstadt and Kontorhaus district.
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