"If the corona pandemic permits, our city can look forward to a top-class agenda with many live demonstrations, workshops and participatory activities," said Evers. The ITS Congress targets both trade visitors and the general public across the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Hamburg intends to play a pioneering role in the digitalisation of mobility and logistics and will present over 40 of 150 ITS projects. "The ITS World Congress comes at exactly the right time. Hamburg is currently realizing the mobility transition and is focusing on intelligent concepts for sustainable and networked transport," said Tjarks. "Our goal is to create a city with improved air, fewer traffic jams and a better standard of living. We need creative solutions developed by established companies and start-ups throughout our city for that."
Hamburg is gearing up to present over 40 projects including the autonomous shuttle bus HEAT at the ITS World Congress, which the city is hosting with the German Ministry of Transport from October 11-15, 2021. Video interviews on the ITS World Congress YouTube channel now highlight the future of transport, digital solutions for greater mobility and logistics and other topics on the agenda. During the first episode, Harry Evers, Managing Director of ITS Hamburg 2021 GmbH, talks to Anjes Tjarks, Senator for Transport and Mobility Transition, and a graduate of a secondary school in Hamburg about the motto "Experience Future Mobility Now". Hamburg's HEAT minibus began passenger services earlier in October on a trial basis.
ITS World Congress for trade visitors and public
Networked transport, intelligent infrastructure and sustainable solutions
Focal points at ITS World Congress:
- Automated, co-operative and networked mobility - transition from driver to autonomously-driving cars, buses and trains.
- Mobility as a Service and Mobility on demand - mix of several mobility services e.g. taxis, rental bikes, e-scooters, public transport in one service or new applications.
- Digital port and logistics solutions - Hamburg as Germany's largest and Europe's third-largest container port.
- Intelligent infrastructure - using artificial intelligence for improved, optimum and more sustainable traffic flows.
- New services based on new technologies e.g. unmanned drones.
- Sustainable solutions for cities and residents - environment-friendly, sustainable and energy efficient transport.
Video series
Video interviews will be produced and broadcast on the ITS YouTube channel and on ITS website with immediate effect. Scientists, politicians and businesspeople, talented young people at schools and students at universities across Hamburg will also have their say. The interviews will be available as podcasts on various platforms.
Alliance of companies and institutions
An alliance of strategic partners has been formed to give people a more tangible experience of mobility in future. A platform on which companies in Hamburg can input and turn around their own ideas is also being set up. The plans also foresee various information events in the run-up to and during the congress.
ITS Young Mobility Community
The ITS Young Mobility Community has since June given young city dwellers an opportunity to help shape mobility in future. More information can be found on the Instagram account @itsyoungmobility under #itsyoungmobility, which is central to this community. Hamburg founded the ITS Hamburg 2021 GmbH in early 2018. ERTICO - ITS Europe is the European industry and interest group for Intelligent Transport Systems and has been set up as a public-private partnership.
Sources and further information
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