By late 2021, Hamburg will become a laboratory of digital mobility and will test innovative transport in ten sub-projects ranging from mobility platforms and autonomous driving to micro-depots for reducing delivery traffic and on-demand shuttles. Under the leadership of Hamburger Hochbahn AG, over 30 partners are developing digital mobility solutions in a joint ecosystem in the Hamburg Metropolitan Region. Participants in Hamburg will be involved in the tests and can attend events and talks. The results will be presented at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg next year. Scheuer pointed out: "Hamburg will become a real laboratory. We are putting around EUR 21 million towards ten mobility offers - from micro-depots for relieving delivery traffic, a mobility app to reduce the number of vehicles, to transportation budgets instead of company cars. Mobility will be networked, individual and simple."
Thirty partners to a comprehensive project on the influence of digitalisation on urban and rural mobility in future received so-called future cheques Wednesday (July 15, 2020) from Andreas Scheuer, Germany's Minister for Transport. This comprehensive project will allow residents of Hamburg to try out ten new digital mobility offers and attend event and talks on the topic. The German government has earmarked EUR 21 million in funds for the offers.
Ten sub-projects
Future of mobility platform
The handover of the funding approval marked the start of a research project dating back to the National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM). A total of eleven sub-projects should help solve questions like how digitalisation can make transport more sustainable, safer, more comfortable and more reliable. This applies equally to the movement of people and goods in both urban and rural contexts.
Presentation at the ITS World Congress
The RealLabHH project aims to develop recommendations for overhauling the transport system and making it environment and climate-friendly. The results and models of the RealLabHH in and around Hamburg will be presented at the ITS World Congress which Hamburg is hosting with the German Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) from October 11 to 15, 2021. Thousands of delegates are expected at the world's largest congress for intelligent transport systems The RealLabHH project runs until the end of 2021.
Sources and further information
National Platform Future of Mobility (NPM)
The National Platform Future of Mobility brings together experts from politics, the private sector, associations, research institutions and NGOs to develop concepts for sustainable, environment and climate-friendly, affordable and competitive transport in Germany. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann, six working groups are developing technology-neutral, cross-modal recommendations for measures in politics, industry and society.
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