Dr Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg said at the launch of the campaign, on Thursday (September 22, 2022): "The energy shortage and high energy costs pose huge challenges in Hamburg as well. Everyone can help mitigate the consequences of the energy crisis. The campaign should inform and encourage people to join in. Many small measures can have a big effect." Jens Kerstan, Senator for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture, noted Hamburg's leading role in the national energy transition. He added: "We still have a lot to do. A joint effort is needed to master the current situation. Every kilowatt hour not consumed helps prevent energy shortages."
The City of Hamburg has launched a campaign to cut energy usage by around 15 per cent on the initiative of the senate, the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Crafts as well as various companies and associations.
Counteracting energy shortages

Many companies, diverse information channels
Many companies such as Budnikowsky, DESY, ECE Marketplaces, Edeka, Energie-Handels-Gesellschaft, Eimsbütteler Turnverband, Hamburg Airport, Hamburger Energiewerke, Hamburger Sparkasse, the University of Hamburg, Otto, Saga, Zebau, the Zeit-Stiftung and the Zum goldenen Hirschen have joined the campaign. Energy-saving opportunities are being outlined in employee magazines, newsletters and social media, on posters, in advertisements and on their own websites. More information on the campaign can be found under "Hamburg dreht das" and tips on how to save energy can be found on the website.
Sources and further information
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