"Hamburg stands for first-class digital online services as a quick and easy alternative to local government services throughout the city," said Alexander von Vogel, State Councillor. Many administrative procedures such as changing your place of residence or applying for a police vetting certificate can already be handled on digitally. Over 200 online services are now available. The new campaign raises awareness of these innovations.The public is being encouraged to visit the "Hamburg Pop-up Service" in the Europa Passage 1 from 10 am to 7 pm (Saturday until 4 pm) until October 19. Citizens can activate their ID card online without an appointment and free of charge and can ask questions about the city's digital services.
The new “Hamburg - digital for you” campaign for more digitalization in the public sector has launched to reduce bureaucracy and save time, a press release said Monday (October 14, 2024). This comes after a recent Bitkom survey found that 90 per cent of Germans would like to see digital services put in place swiftly. Various channels will offer the public information about the wide range of online services and encourage motivate people to use them.
More modern online services

Hamburg advancing digitalisation
"A more digitalised public sector is a top priority for Hamburg. Our goal is to make administrative matters as uncomplicated and simple as possible for citizens. We already have numerous digital services and the number is growing," said Jan Pörksen, Head of the Senate Chancellery. Applications should be processed more efficiently in future and communication will become more flexible. "Our task is to expand the existing services, ensure satisfaction and create trust," said Andreas Dressel, Senator for Finance. The city is aiming to boost public services through ongoing measures.
Sources and further information
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