Artificial Intelligence

Hamburg's local government testing Large Language Model

8 January 2024
"LLMoin" pilot project to provide insight into Hamburg's medium-term LLM strategy

Around 100 people are taking part in the "LLMoin" pilot project launched by Hamburg's local government to test the use of  LLMs, which functions employees accept and the technical and organisational requirements. Large Language Models (LLMs) understand and generate human language and have been on the rise since ChatGPT at the latest. Based on artificial intelligence, LLMs can summarise texts at lightning speed and assist with research and writing texts.

Local government gaining experience with LLMoin 

"'LLMoin' allows us to move from theory to practice in the key technology of large language models and to gain valuable experience of its applicability early," said Christian Pfromm, Chief Digital Officer of the City of Hamburg. The project should help align the technology with employees' needs. The integrated text assistant provides four functions for internal  applications: Summary, research assistant, text generation and expert mode. Similar to ChatGPT, the latter can be used to interact with the system via self-defined prompts (input). The aim is to familiarise employees with prompting in general.

Financed through InnoTecHH fund

The AI pilot project is based on the Luminous language model generated and hosted in Germany by AlephAlpha. The AI start-up developed the front-end and data processing especially for Hamburg. LLMoin is financed by the InnoTecHH fund. The Senate Chancellery is helping authorities all over Hamburg to develop and test innovative ideas for the use of AI and other new technologies. The Ministry for IT and Digitalisation has provided funding and expertise for this since the beginning of 2023.

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