The HHIS is keen on "bringing Hamburg's innovation strategy to life," according to the organizers. Andreas Richter, Head of the Department of Innovation, Technology and Clusters at the Ministry of Economics, noted: "The HHIS is part of a bold culture of innovation that makes people want to embrace new things, change and creative design. We ensure that all stakeholders think innovation big both in terms of content and space and network in a lively innovation structure."
This year's Hamburg Innovation Summit (HHIS) will focus on "New materials for the City of Tomorrow", material sciences and energy and will be held as a a hybrid event on June 2 in Altona's Fish Auction Hall. This comes after two entirely digital summits and will see the political sphere come together with stakeholders in commerce, science and society. The thematic focus picks up on one of the five fields of action in the Hamburg Innovation Strategy (RIS).
Summit to ease networking in innovation scene
Focus on new materials
Participants will gain insight into the production and use of new materials at the HHIS. Various start-ups and companies that exemplify the sustainable use of raw materials in Hamburg and best practices in energy technology and sustainable construction will be presented. The Traceless start-up, which is part of Otto Group, is making shipping more sustainable and the Wacken Open-Air is using cradle-to-cradle solutions backed by the EPEA research institute.
Conference, workshops and exhibition
HHIS 2022 includes a conference, various workshops and an exhibition. The agenda features on-stage panels with stakeholders in the poltical sphere, business and research. Various use cases and recommendations for action will also be presented. The guests announced include Dr Peter Tschentscher, Mayor of Hamburg and patron of HHIS, Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science, Research and Equality, and Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics. Visitors to the exhibition in the Fischauktionshalle are encouraged to network and to try things out. The Hamburg Innovation Awards will be presented in the categories Idea, Start-up and Growth followed by the "Online Academy" on June 3, 2022, which will feature deep dive sessions on various forward-looking issues.
HHIS bridge building function
The summit has been held annually since 2015 and functions as a bridge builder between research, business, politics and society. More than 1,300 delegates attended the summit in 2021. Tickets for this year's event, which is organized by the Ministry of Economics and Innovation (BWI), the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB Hamburg) and Hamburg Innovation GmbH, are available online.
Sources and further information
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