
Hamburg hosting national "Tag der deutschen Einheit" 2023 celebrations

29 September 2023
Plenty in store for visitors from October 2-3 - tour Germany from Hamburg

Visitors to this year's national "Day of German Unity" (Tag der deutschen Einheit) celebrations, which Hamburg is hosting in its function as presidency of the Bundesrat, can expect all kinds of entertainment and infotainment on the shores of Inner Lake Alster and a "Night of Unity" from October 2-3.  Go on a tour of Germany without leaving Hamburg. All 16 German states are highlighting diversity under the theme of "Opening Horizons" with music, dance, theatre, art and cinema. The broadcaster NDR will offer more on-stage culture on Jungfernstieg while the Young Future Lab on Gänsemarkt will encourage people to work jointly on solutions for tomorrow. More than 60 associations, foundations and institutions will present their efforts for the community on Ballindamm. Universities and research institutes will provide insight into numerous projects and institutions in Hamburg as a centre of science.

Emphasis on sustainability

Sustainability is high on the agenda this year. Around 35 institutions, associations and companies are showcasing their projects e.g., a bicycle disco, and making sustainability tangible on Neuer Jungfernstieg. The Renewable Energies Cluster will illuminate Lake Alster at dusk with a hydrogen-powered light show. The City of Hamburg is presenting itself as a centre of digitization with innovative mobility solutions, start-ups and information on artificial intelligence on the western point of Jungfernstieg. Global relations are central to events on Gerhart-Hauptmann-Platz, where Hamburg is being presented as a gateway to the world. The Miniatur Wunderland, which hosts the world's largest model railway system, is hosting a special exhibition entitled "The Divided City - an Illustrated History of German Division and Reunification", depicted in nine miniature worlds in Hamburg's Speicherstadt. 

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