Innovative solutions for the use of residue heat and possible changes for users of data centres will be explained at the event. The aim is to bring together operators and users with stakeholders in the field of residue heat usage. The agenda features keynotes and panel discussions.
Business breakfast highlights opportunities and challenges for Hamburg Metropolitan Region - register now
Registrations are now being accepted for a business breakfast on April 12, 2022 entitled “Climate-neutral data centres by 2027 - opportunities for the Hamburg Metropolitan Region" in Campus 75. The Hamburg Invest business development agency and the ECO internet business association are hosting the event. New climate-neutral data centres are to go into operation across Germany by 2027, according to the coalition agreement. Operating IT systems consumes immense amounts of electricity at present. In 2020, servers and data centres nationwide clocked up 16 billion kilowatt hours or around 3 per cent of the nation’s total electricity demand and the trend is rising, according to Germany’s Lower House of Parliament.
Keynotes and panel discussions on residue heat
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