
Gamecity Hamburg announces latest prototype funding 

3 June 2024
Five digital game projects secure up to to EUR 80,000 in funds - apply now for Games Lift Incubator - deadline on June 10, 2024

Gamecity Hamburg announced Tuesday (May 28, 2024) EUR 372,000 in funding for prototypes this year. Five promising digital games selected from 29 entries will receive between EUR 60,000 and EUR 80,000 respectively.

Funded prototypes

"Experienced teams and new start-ups are working on promising games in Hamburg," said Dennis Schoubye, Head of Gamecity Hamburg. The funded projects include "Chaos Royale" by Monodot (EUR 80,000), which is essentially a strategic multiplayer battle with monsters, "Map Map - A Game About Maps" by Pipapo Games (EUR 80,000) an exploratory game in a 3D world, and "The Regreening" by Positive Impact Games (EUR 80,000) which sees players immerse themselves in a world of plants and animals. Other funded projects include "A Most Honourable Bunch" by Osmotic Studios (EUR 72,000), which is a narrative adventure, and a 2D horror story called "Melodies" by Behind the Stone (EUR 60,000). Two of the funded teams have successfully completed Gamecity Hamburg's Games Lift Incubator.

Hamburg now game development centre

Applications for the latest Games Lift Incubator are being accepted until the deadline of June 10, 2024. Games developers can avail of EUR 15,000 in funds, coaching and mentoring as part of the incubator. Gamecity Hamburg has put various measures in place to boost Hamburg as a games development centre. More that 31 projects have received financial support since the launch of prototype funding in 2020. The application phase for the next funding round will start in spring 2025.  

Sources and further information

About Gamecity Hamburg

Gamecity Hamburg raises the awareness of Hamburg as a global games centre. It improves the framework conditions for companies and founders in the games industry and backs their further development. Gamecity Hamburg is part of Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft, an institution of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.

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