
Games Lift Incubator 2024 to launch

15 May 2024
Gamecity Hamburg earmarks EUR 15,000 for five teams - deadline for applications ends on June 10

Gamecity Hamburg is accepting applications for its "Games Lift Incubator 2024" scheme until the deadline of June 10, 2024. A total of EUR 15,000 is available for five developer teams and coaching worth EUR 1,000 among others.

Launching pad for independent games developers

The online event "Games Lift Insights" on May 14, 2024 will give applicants an idea of what to expect during the incubator's workshop. "We develop the Games Lift Incubator continuously every year," said Margarete Schneider, Project Manager at Gamecity Hamburg. This year, the scheme includes a joint trip to an international industry event. The teams can also attend a three-month workshop and network with experts across the international games industry. Successful applicants will also be monitored individually until August 2025. The funding scheme targets developers who operate independently of major publishers such as Sony and Nintendo. 

New diversity checklist 

This year, a new diversity checklist is a mandatory feature of the application and should boost the analysis of structures and games development procedures. These guidelines were first applied to prototype funding, another scheme offered by Gamecity Hamburg. A total of EUR 400,000 is awarded annually to local games projects under that scheme. Twenty start-ups and teams of developers including the Symmetry Break Studio with its “Misgiven” sci-fi adventure have benefited from the Games Lift Incubator since it launched in 2020.


Sources and further information

About Gamecity Hamburg

Gamecity Hamburg raises Hamburg’s image as an international games centre and provides support and networking opportunities for developers. It improves the framework conditions for companies and founders along the games value chain and anchors Hamburg in the public perception as one of Germany’s leading games centres.

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