"Our goal is a modern public administration that offers up-to-date services for businesses. We want to make administrative processes more efficient and contact with authorities easier," said Jan Pörksen, head of the Senate Chancellery. Various authorities' services will be pooled online to make life easier for founders. Digitalisation would ensure that setting up a business or taking up freelance work becomes easier and less bureaucratic. Processes in occupational health and safety are also to become more efficient. Employers should be able to enter maternity leave, extraordinary regulations on working hours or personnel changes on a central online platform.
The German Ministry of Economics is putting EUR 85 million towards the digitalisation of Hamburg’s administrative services. The online services will be available from 2022 and might be rolled out across all German states after an agreement was signed in early March.
Less bureaucracy for founders
All services to go digital by 2022
"Entrepreneurs rightly expect us to resolve matters quickly and unbureaucratically online. And they can do so at any time and from anywhere - from setting up a company to subsidies and transferring businesses," said Claudia Dörr-Voß, State Secretary for Economics. Apart from Hamburg, Bremen and North Rhine-Westphalia have also expressed interest in signing the agreement, which is funded from the Economic Stimulus and Future Package based on the Online Access Act. Accordingly, the German government, the states and the municipalities must offer all administrative services digitally by late 2022.
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