
Digital Media Women going strong in Hamburg

6 June 2024
DMW announces events in June to empower women in digital sector

The Hamburg-based Digital Media Women (DMW) have announced several events in June to boost gender parity in the digital sector and equal job opportunities. Founded in 2010, DMW is a voluntary organisation that is committed to women in business, media, education, society and politics. To this end, it  undertakes projects, launches campaigns and events focusing on e.g., self-employment, leadership roles for women, work-life balance, sustainability and shaping digital change. The organization has 32,000 members and 90 volunteers in Hamburg, Berlin, Cologne and Munich among others. 

"Meet & Greet/Lunch Edition"

The upcoming events include a "Meet & Greet" per Zoom from 1- 2pm on June 7, 2024. Participants can network with like-minded people, get background information and take a look behind the scenes of DMW.

Future is female - right?

The DMW Chapter in Quarter Hamburg will host a keynote speech entitled "The future is female - or is it?" at 7 pm on June 13, 2024 in the SAE Institute in Medienbunker with plenty of networking opportunities. Ayan Güls, the keynote speaker and representative of the Foundation for Future Studies, will give insight into Germans’ views of the future and will focus in particular on where women will actually be in future.

DMW Academy - communicating effectively

As part of the DMW Academy, the basics of interplay between language and perception will be taught via Zoom from 1 - 2 pm June 14, 2024. Under the theme of "Communicating effectively: Overcoming barriers - shaping change", Renate Welkenbach, a consultant, coach and lecturer, will present linguistic tools and methods of boosting interaction.


Sources and further information

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