"The City of Hamburg's demands on the transfer of the property have been met with the payment of the last instalment of the purchase price," said Karen Pein, Senator for Urban Development and Housing. The land will be transferred to the purchaser and construction can begin. "As early as this summer, the shell should arrive on the eighth floor at an altitude of 40 metres. I am looking forward to the new urban space that is being created in this exciting location," she added. The Elbtower is set to become Hamburg's latest, must-see attraction "especially as it features a public viewing platform on the 55th floor, which will offer brand new views of the city", said Dr. Andreas Kleinau, CEO of HafenCity Hamburg GmbH.
The way has been paved to build the 245-metre Elbtower in HafenCity with space for 5,000 workplaces after the Hamburg Elbtower Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG met all of the contractual requirements, the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing said Monday (January 9, 2023). The Elbtower is to be built in east HafenCity at the Elbbrücken S-Bahn and U-Bahn station thereby creating a new urban hub. The tower is scheduled for completion in 2025/26 and will be among Hamburg's tallest skyscrapers.
Viewing platform on 55th floor
Diversity of use
The Elbtower is being built on a triangular plot of land between railroad tracks and multi-lane roads with space for all kinds of uses. The base area and the viewing platform at an altitude of 225 metres have been designed as public spaces. The light-flooded atrium will house restaurants and exhibition spaces with offices, hotel and leisure facilities on the the other floors. The west of the Elbbrücken district is taking shape on the adjacent space between the skyscraper and Baakenhafen after the senate approved a development plan recently.
Sources and further information
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