Business Location


"Year of Urban Economy" to highight diversity of public companies

5 June 2023
Mixed events to present urban economic strategy – “Urban Economy Day” on September 2, 2023

Industry to discuss climate protection and sustainability

1 June 2023
Event on June 14, 2023 in TU Hamburg to focus on climate policy needs of industry

"Industrial Master Plan" to strengthen Hamburg

15 May 2023
Senate, industry association, Chamber of Commerce and trade unions sign strategy paper

Hamburg Metropolitan Region to get two centres of innovation

12 May 2023
Regional Council adopts resolutions on six OECD recommendations for securing skilled labuor, renewable energies, marketing and tourism

Hamburg's design industry holds huge potential for innovation

11 May 2023
Laura Rohloff, new director of Design Zentrum Hamburg, talks to Hamburg News

HamburgAmbassadors meet in Hamburg

8 May 2023
Shortage of skilled labour tops international agenda - Hamburg signs Memorandum of Understanding signed with Busan, South Korea

Mood in Hamburg's economy improves, says Chamber of Commerce

27 April 2023
Economic barometer indicates improved outlook on future

Hamburg remains top economic location for companies

20 April 2023
Analysis of over 3,500 German places by “Die Deutsche Wirtschaft”

Architect behind Elbtower wins "Nobel Prize for Architecture"

17 April 2023
Britain's Sir David Chipperfield awarded "Pritzker Architecture Prize"

Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein deepen hydrogen co-operation

12 April 2023
North Germany to become hub of hydrogen sector

HafenCity celebrating 15th anniversary with impressive balance sheet

3 April 2023
Evolving suburb planning plenty for next 15 years

Record volume of Austrian goods handled in Port of Hamburg

30 March 2023
12 per cent increase - throughput of 6.3 million tonnes
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