Zero-emission engines will become a prerequisite for a boat driving licence on Lake Alster from 2025. Transition periods will apply for boats still using combustion engines. The measure is part of Hamburg's climate plan to lower emissions and become a climate-friendlier city.
Senate agrees on pollution-free transport as part of climate plan
All motor boats on Inner Lake Alster are to be emission-free from 2025 and shipping should be almost entirely electric by 2030, the senate agreed in July. The conversion to e-motors should save up to 900 tonnes of CO2 per annum and serve as a model for other vehicles, according to the Ministry for the Environment.
E-mobility making Hamburg climate-friendlier
IFB Hamburg to help clubs with retrofitting
However, many water sports clubs and environmental protection associations now face higher costs as a result of the senate's decision. Grants of up to EUR 10,000 are available for the conversion to electric motors, and up to EUR 17,500 for purchasing new boats and retrofitting with electric engines. The Hamburger Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) began handling these funds in early 2022.
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