"#Update Hamburg boosts innovativions for a more liveable Hamburg. These strong projects will improve the city as a whole," said Melanie Leonhard, Minister of Economics. The selected projects include the "Community Health Laboratory Veddel", a joint project by HAW Hamburg and the Poliklinik Group to improve healthcare. Other approaches promote digitalisation and integration. The Hacker School and the Re DI School, for instance, trains migrants to become innovators and improves their digital skills. Another project called "Nachbarschaftskiosk" will focus on professional inclusion and local services. Opti Medis AG's "MOIN" project focuses on algorithms to optimise medicines specifically designed to meet the needs of older people.
Ten initiatives are set to receive up to EUR 200,000 earmarked for joint projects and EUR 100,000 for individual projects from the Ministry of Economics' #Update Hamburg scheme, a press release said Friday (October 25, 2024). The scheme is part of the Social Entrepreneurship Strategy 2024 and is backed by the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank's (IFB) Awards Committee. The selected projects focus on social inclusion, health, climate and education as part of efforts towards a just and forward-looking city.
New approaches to social inclusion and healthcare
#Update Hamburg funding for collaborative projects
A new collaborative directive increases the maximum amount of funding to EUR 200,000 per project. This regulation should incentivise collaboration and make the initiatives more effective. Funded collaborations such as the "Growing the Future" project by Zinnwerke e. V. and Hafen City University use this model to research sustainable materials and construction methods using fungi-based substances. The "Mit (Spür-)Sinn gegen den Brustkrebs" project by Discovering Hands gUG and Haus 5 gGmbH takes a collaborative approach to detecting breast cancer early.
Sources and further information
IFB Hamburg
The Hamburgische Investitions- und Förderbank (IFB Hamburg) is the main development bank in Hamburg. It specialises in housing and urban development and as well as stimulating business, innovation and the environment. On behalf of the state, it grants loans, subsidies and equity investments and provides security for investment projects across Hamburg. More information can be found on www.ifbhh.de.
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