Using a nanolaminate plaster developed at the university, previously unattainable extensions in the service life of heavily loaded metal parts can be achieved. They include, for instance, protecting heavily loaded bridge components from cracking. TU Hamburg is preparing to launch a start-up involving the developers of the technology and the transfer of knowledge to industry. "We see considerable potential for exchange and knowledge transfer between the universities and the economy via topics anchored in RIS," said Westhagemann. In this way, Hamburg could counteract the shortage of skilled workers and export the innovations created in the city all over the world.
Katharina Fegebank, Senator for Science and Research, and Michael Westhagemann, Senator for Economics and Innovation, visited the Technical University of Hamburg (TU Hamburg) Thursday (September 2, 2021) as part of the new Hamburg Regional Innovation Strategy’s summer tour underway until September 16, 2021. The university is a driver of innovation especially in the fields of material sciences and health as outlined by the Regional Innovation Strategy (RIS). The focus of their visit was on novel nanolaminate coatings for metal construction and ideas for vaccine production in future.
Plaster for transport infrastructure
New ideas for producing vaccines in future
A glass production machine for active pharmaceutical ingredients, designed by TU scientists, will likely play a role in vaccine production in future. Processes that were previously invisible could then be observed, analysed and optimised using the machine. The researchers hope that this will enable the resource and climate-friendly production of particularly high-quality vaccines. "We are pleased to be able to present two exciting projects here as examples of technological solutions to important social issues," said Prof. Dr. Andreas Timm-Giel, President of TU Hamburg. "As TU Hamburg continues to develop, we want to further strengthen our role in technology and innovation transfer for Hamburg."
Hamburg to become established innovation hub
Hamburg wants to promote projects such as the nanolaminate patch and the glass vaccine apparatus and to further establish Hamburg as a major innovation hub, said Fegebank. The senators will continue their tour of companies and institutions that are likely to shape the Hamburg of tomorrow. The senate adopted the RIS in May 2021 under the motto "Working together for a liveable city through innovation". Based on the newly defined forward-looking themes of health, climate and energy, mobility, data science and digitalisation, as well as material sciences and new materials, the aim is create a "courageous culture of innovation" in Hamburg.
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