
Shop online or at traditional outlets? This is how Hamburg sees things

12 January 2024
Justice and Consumer Protection Authority and Hamburg Consumer Advice Centre publish survey of consumer behaviour

From significant shopping criteria to security perceptions with shopping online and buying from traditional shops: Hamburg consumer behaviour was investigated in an Online survey commissioned by the Justice and Consumer Protection Authority and the Hamburg Consumer Advice Centre. More than 500 adults participated in the survey taken in October 2023. Among the results revealed were that everyday products, such as toothpaste and food, were usually bought in traditional shops, whereas admission tickets, clothes, electronic devices and so on were bought online to a large extent. A summary of the other results of the survey can be found here:

This is what consumer behaviour looks like in Hamburg

"The survey shows that we have to take a closer look at educating the consumer, especially in the case of younger people," Hamburg Consumer Advice Centre executive Michael Knobloch says. The poll shows gaps in awareness of consumer rights on complaints and replacement. Apart from this, according to the study, classical criteria, such as quality, price and service are decisive in making a purchase far more often than sustainability aspects. The sooner important everyday awareness of the issues consumption, consumer rights and sustainability are conveyed to the public, the better, Knoblauch says. 

Greater sense of security when shopping at traditional outlets

Even if shopping online is now part of everyday life, a majority of the participants feels more secure when shopping at traditional outlets. The younger target group between 18 and 34 is particularly mistrustful. Almost two thirds say that they feel a greater sense of security when shopping in situ. Possible reasons for this include negative experience with online commerce and a preference for direct exchange of goods for money where pricey purchases are concerned. In addition, the significance of hire purchase in the younger target group turns out to be comparatively high. Around half see delayed payment options via providers like PayPal and Klarna as important. 

Method and Hamburg Consumer Index

The analysis was carried out as part of the Hamburg Consumer Index. Issues of concern to the people of Hamburg have been surveyed since 2016. The survey has been representative and held quarterly since 2023. The current poll ran from 16 to 21 October 2023 and was aimed at people living in Hamburg who are 18 and older and make online purchases at least occasionally.

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