This year's Scoop Award will be presented at the start of the conference which will be opened by Dr Carsten Brosda, Senator for Culture and Media. The opening keynote entitled, "How will journalism of the future be financed?, will be given by Jack Riley, Vice President of Business Development & Revenue Strategy, Huffpost/Buzzfeed News. Nico Wilfer, Chief Product Officer at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, will report on the "FAZ's digital success story". The debate under the theme of "Quo vadis, journalism?" will focus on the conflict between paywalls and democracy.
Scoopcamp 2022 gets underway Thursday (September 8) with emphasis on digital monetization strategies e.g., for newspapers and articles behind a paywall. Experts will come together and give insight into their experiences of digital revenue, audience and the creator economy. Organised by next.Media.Hamburg and Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa, the conference will be held at the "Del Mar" club near the Landungsbrücken. Delegates can expect many interesting keynotes, debates and deep dives.
Agenda and Scoop Award
Innovation conference for media
Breakout sessions in the afternoon will give delegates an opportunity to discuss the core issues. A concluding discussion round will explore how the digital transformation in journalism should be shaped. The agenda can be found on the website of next.Media Hamburg. Readers of Hamburg News get a 30 per cent discount on the ticket by clicking on this link.
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