Nina Klaß, Head of next.Media Hamburg, remarked: "The media industry needs a change of perspective. During his six years at HuffPost, Jack Riley has proven how to engage an audience with a media brand thanks to flexibility. He has manoeuvered one of the leading digital media outlets through a crisis that has hit the media industry hard. His strategic insights into the digital market and future-proof news products are very valuable for journalists across the industry." Media must learn to listen to their audiences and retain their users with strong products, she added.
This year’s Scoop Award is going to Jack Riley, Vice President Business Development and Revenue Strategy at the HuffPost and Buzzfeed News, for new monetization strategies in journalism. Digital monetization strategies for newspapers and articles behind a paywall will take centre stage at the upcoming conference of September 8. Then, Riley and other experts will come together and give insight into their experiences of digital revenue, audiences and the creator economy.
Retaining users of media outlets
Riley to address Scoopcamp 2022
Riley has managed to keep readers of the HuffPost by coming up with new revenue streams such as third parties, memberships and novel news products resulting in 21 per cent increase in profits in 2020. His opening keynote, "How will journalism of the future be financed?, will give insight into bringing monetization and quality reporting together. The agenda of Scoopcamp can be found on the website of next.Media Hamburg. Readers of Hamburg News get a 30 per cent discount on the ticket by clicking on this link.
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